FleetIT provides a comprehensive toll and citation management solution tailored for fleet owners across the nation. Their service is designed to shield your fleet from toll violations, streamline the processes of enrollment and disenrollment, and minimize the manual labor involved in monitoring payments.
Automate enrollment into toll coverage without transponders.
Streamline enrollment into plate-based nationwide toll coverage. Safeguard against toll violations and ensure seamless passage through 99% of the nation's tollways without the risk of incurring violations.
FleetIT Integration Features
Consolidation of payments to all of nations toll authorities and over 4000 citation jurisdictions
Real-time enrollment, payment and delivery of toll information
A dashboard interface for monitoring trends, payment distribution, and both the number and cost of tolls.
Detailed expense tracking by vehicle to aid in developing a cost of ownership model
API Access
Violation Free Fleet
Use Cases
'Enhance your cost of ownership model by linking all expenses, including tolls and citations, directly to the respective vehicle.